Tuesday 8 November 2011

Traceurs: to trace, to draw, to go fast

An interesting piece by artist Layla Curtis. She was comissioned to do a piece of work by Westminster Council. She used thermal imaging to capture the moments the traceurs come into contact with objects and the marks they leave upon them. These marks and interactions are usually so quick thqt it can be hard to process them using normal imaging or the human eye.
The intensity of the mark shows the intensity of the touch on the surface and different surface produce different types of mark so it represents both the act of the traceur and their effect on the object as well as the effect the texture, surface and shape of the object on the interaction o fthe traceur.

For the final video - http://www.traceurstotracetodrawtogofast.com/

The making of video provides more insight into the artist and her intentions and techniques -

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